Rocky Dobey Portfolio


Rocky Dobey Portfolio


Rocky Zenyk Dobey

Collection Items

Survival Gathering poster
A silkscreen poster made in the summer of 1987 to fund the Toronto Survival Gathering.

Leonard Peltier
Photograph of a painting on reflection office tower glass that was then mounted to an abandoned building on Queen Street near John.

'Bite Your Tongue' Elections Canada
Painting installed on an abandoned building during the 1984 political election.

Survival Gathering shows
Poster for the 1988 Anarchist Unconvention shows at the Silver Dollar Club and the Siboney.

Street billboard, bolted to abandoned building
Photograph of a billboard put up after Gardner Myers was killed by police. July 1988. Lester Donaldson's name was added August 9 when he also was killed by the police.

Anti-police billboard
Photograph of a billboard put up after Gardner Myers was killed by police. July 1988. Lester Donaldson's name was added August 9 when he also was killed by the police.

One of many paintings covering an abandoned building at Portland and Queen.

Coca Cola-nization
Political billboard bolted to an abandoned building on Queen Street West.

In politics, there is no gratitude
This was bolted to a building on Ryerson Avenue in Toronto.

This painting was installed on a vacant building at Portland and Queen St.

MediaCon gallery
These parody advertising billboards were bolted to an abandoned building on Augusta Avenue, north of Dundas Street.

Rape. It sounds all too familiar.
An unauthorized feminist billboard installed on an abandoned building at Queen and Portland.

The Art of Apartheid
An anti-apartheid art piece installed on an abandoned building at Queen and John.

Honour Native Rights: Support Native Self-Determination
Painting mounted on boarding of empty lot near Jarvis and Queen.

Honour Native Land: Support the Occupation of Revenue Canada
This protest banner was installed on a vacant bank at Bathurst and Queen St.

The Ministry of Keeping Everything Absolutely the Same
This hand painted billboard bolted to the top of an abandoned building at Queen and John was a political parody referring to the billboards for the movie 1984.

Rosie died
This was a plaque that was chained to a street post on Queen Street.

After years of tight-fisted colonialism, nothing to smile about
Photo from 1988 at Queen and Gladstone in Toronto. "After years of tight fisted colonialism... nothing to smile about."

Jim Campbell
A street installed memorial on Parliament Street. In Toronto. I miss Jim.

Ronnie B.
A drug overdose memorial plaque bolted to a street pole.
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