A letter from OPIRG Provincial stating that the expansion to create an OPIRG York would be delayed due to the unlikelihood of being able to win a referendum at York at the time.
Pamphlet for Environmental Week 1993 produced by OPIRG Toronto to promote the sustainable, non-polluting transportation practices and the programming series that they were to host.
Pamphlet with information regarding OPIRG Toronto's Annual General Meeting including a description of the organization, a description of the different working groups, and a proposed agenda for the meeting.
A press release informing the public that OPIRG Toronto will be building a mountain out of 12 000 Styrofoam cups on campus to raise awareness of the Green Master Plan.
An article in The Strand covering OPIRG's demonstration against disposables whereby the group built a mountain of styrofoam cups in front of Sidney Smith.
A final report for the Environmental Priorities Project funded by OPIRG-Toronto and the Environmental Youth Corps, entitled "Composting at the University of Toronto."
Minutes for the November 20, 1991 meeting of the U of T Coalition Against the Columbus Project. The focus of the meeting was the develop a strategy regarding U of T's stance to defer their decision to involve themselves or not in the Columbus Project…